Courtney Watson

Fine Art

The way we see our exterior is manipulated by experiences of our lives, past and present. We rate our looks on how we think others perceive us or where we think we would be placed within societies suppressive expectations. We are constantly asking ourselves ‘would I be more beautiful if I lost/gained weight?’ or ‘would I be desirable if my features were smaller’. A lot of us disregard of what is reality and strive for the unreachable and unrealistic exterior created by people who assume having stretchmarks, cellulite, pointy ribs or rolls on our tummies are flaws. While forgetting that our own exterior is a vessel that holds an important and valued life. The definition of ‘beauty’ is a combination of qualities such as shape and colour, the quantity of different shapes and colour between us all are infinite. There is no line segregating any group from another, only an erasable one which was never there to begin with

Tags: Body Image, Digital Drawings, Ink, Ink Drawings, Installation, Video

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