Anna Bennett
BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice

As an artist who works within the context of printed textile design I am greatly inspired by maximalist design and colour palettes. Having completed my dissertation on the psychological impact of colour use in interior design, the selection of colour has always been an integral step in my creative process. I am passionate about taking inspiration from retro design and exploring the balance of new and old design concepts. Often in my work, I explore design themes that are considered outdated and garish and attempt to modernise them. Throughout my final year I have been exploring the concept of ‘kitsch’ objects in relation to retro design but have attempted to adapt and modernise this in an attempt to create a unique and playful body of work. It is important to me to create designs that inspire joy and have a touch of whimsy to them. Often because of the bold use of colour and maximalist style the pieces I create are wallpapers or fabrics used as a statement piece of art