Dellen Drake
BA (Hons) Photography

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor" my Dad would say. I can't remember the first time I heard that phrase but it speaks to me more now than ever. This project was more about the process than the outcome and how the journey you are taken on can not only be personal but universal. The aim was to engage people and show them that anyone can create.
The work shown is a selection of pages from a book I made with my closest family members. My goal was to show expression and the subconscious in the form of a narrative. The instructions for making this book were simple, respond to the last page and pass the book on (a bit like a game of Telestrations).
There are several themes I focus on within my creative practice such as art therapy, expression and the subconscious, and these themes often result in my work taking the form of a narrative or collage using appropriation. I also let my emotions and thoughts influence and guide me whilst I create my work. With these themes in mind, I have delved deeper into the positive influences on mental health and crucially, the influence creating art can have, particularly in light of the recent pandemic.
My next step after graduation is to continue to develop my creative practice for myself as I venture onto a new path. The path in question is unclear and still to be determined but that will be a new journey within itself.