Sumaiyyah Fardaus Manzoor-Khan
BA (Hons) Interior Design

I strive to be a proactive and reliable collaborator, eager to inspire change and innovation in communal/shared spaces and environments.Creating designs that address and solve inequalities and those in a disadvantaged position is what drives me as a designer, seeing the impact that spaces we live in have on quality of life and mental wellbeing.
‘Concord Community Centre’ is designed to provide support and opportunities for disadvantaged members of society, in a comforting and non-systematic manner.
‘Concord’ meaning an agreement or harmony between people, encapsulates the aim to create an environment for all residents of Manchester, including the asylum and immigrant population which has almost doubled since 2014. Accommodation comprises of: a market for independent business and donations, a library cafe to provide resources and ‘pay as you feel’ food, a study area and workshop classroom, as well as a counselling/health support floor which lead up to the rooftop terrace. Jobs and volunteering are open for students and individuals lacking qualifications.
The design and materiality are informed by different cultural demographics in Manchester, in an aim to reinforce a sense of comfort, and create a positive and inclusive experience for all visitors.
Conchord Cafe is a tea house providing live music, often performed by members of displaced groups/communities. The aim being to create a sense of belonging and safety, as well as celebrate pride in one another’s culture. The cafe will be an opportunity for people to share their skills such as musicians and baristas, making it ideal for those without typical UK qualifications. The material palette reflects the many shades of tea, and the dynamic and captivating atmosphere will have a sensitive attention to detail. Situated on busy Oldham Street, it offers an inclusive welcoming experience to all.