Isla Paine - BA (Hons) Product Design and Craft

Material Sound

My work aims to explore and uncover ways to design that question the craft world, pushing the boundaries of what is meant by jewellery and exploring the materiality of wearables. Looking to the body and movement, my work considers how the body and jewellery can become one art piece and utilise the natural forms found in the body to create pieces that enhance the wearer marrying the object to the body. With a passion for many different art forms ranging from fine art, music and sculptural work I aim to bring in my personal style to my jewellery pieces with every project, taking inspiration from practitioners such as Daisei Terazono, Evan Sugarman, and John Moore who are experts in their respective field. I enjoy working to the material I am using, enhancing their natural artistic abilities making works that are guided by the material, not confined by a practice I enjoy exploring different methods of making and experimenting with new techniques.  Through my works I want to express my love for discovery and innovation always looking to push the boundaries of how to make, and expanding my own knowledge, skillset, and style. Currently exploring sound as a material, this project aims to make the immaterial material, capturing the movement of sound into a form and utilising vibrations to inform my design. With an interest in abstract work, I aim for my craft to explore how I can express myself through abstract shapes, lines, colour, shadow and how this can transcend into jewellery design. My craft weaves through all practices, but with a focus on jewellery design my work expresses a fusion of my creative style, intrigue for materiality and discovery of processes while considering the body as a canvas.