Thomas Griffiths

Thomas Griffiths - MFA Fine Art

Thomas Griffiths (Bolton, 1993), is an artist currently studying a MFA Fine Art degree, at Manchester School of Art. Their practice is influenced by industrial artefacts and public/hidden spaces; with interest in the relationship between identity and space, identifiable objects and symbols are often reimagined and re-contextualised, giving a new (often coded) interpretation. Through playful use of materiality and symbolism, the work aims to infiltrate and divert attention towards the overlooked, highlighting nuances of working-class culture and queer identity. Sensual-yet-gauche representations combine with tongue-in-cheek humour to convey these narratives.

Typically work is created using manual processes of casting, metalwork, woodwork and utilising digital technology. Influenced by industrial architecture, boundaries, power dynamics and symbolism, and currently using J.G Ballard’s, 'Crash' & 'Highrise' as context to explore seductivity, motion, danger, and decline.

Alongside my artistic practice, I am a co-director and curator of GLOAM, an artist-led grassroots gallery and studio space, Sheffield.