Vivian Tsang - MA Filmmaking

The New Immigrants- HongKongers

Through this documentary and interviews, we aim to discover new places in Manchester that are typically not visited by most HongKongers. By capturing conversations and scenes with parents and friends, we hope to showcase how HongKongers are integrating into British culture and lifestyle. These real-life examples can serve as a reference for newly arrived HongKongers in the UK.

According to the filming and interviews, viewers can see the genuine experiences of parents and friends adapting to the environment in the UK. The documentary will highlight interesting and meaningful aspects of living in the UK as HongKongers. It will also provide insight into why HongKongers choose to immigrate to the UK, from the perspective of the British. Additionally, this film aims to help British people understand the emotions HongKongers feel upon arriving in the UK, and how they can communicate and coexist. It will promote an understanding of HongKongers’ characteristics and the acceptance of this ethnicity.