Eve Cole
BA (Hons) Fine Art

Spiralling through the vacuum of space after escaping the deletion of my own species, I was seeking vengeance. I pursued my aggressors Cosmic Blue Carrot to their next chosen victims, the inhabitants of “Earth.” However, after scanning the pitiful human race, they realised this planet was already victims of their own foolishness and did not require mass extinction from CBCs external hands as this planet was already on the precipice of its own inhabitant’s design. Due to this revelation, I have turned my effort to education instead. I believe that there is the potential for humans to save themselves by reuniting with nature for their combined succession. Here I present the manifesto for this potential in both written and illustrated from, for the breath of readers. I explain how visiting different parts of the Peak District National Park and discovering the secret histories they contain can expand the human ability beyond the limitations imposed upon it in a 21st century capitalist metropolis: such as your “Man-chester.” Engage with it, engage with nature, engage with each other, and save all.