Jack Collins
BA (Hons) Fine Art

From my way home to here. Challenging the idea and the painting. From the screen to the windowpane. Move slightly or remain still between the 2D and the 3D that is, isn’t or aren’t, what it says it is. How high from the origin do you need to go before it appears blurry hazy and real.The exploration of digitally represented image focuses on what the personal televised image asks of the flat 2D digital image and what a non-liner landscape can be. How can it be altered and remain the same? How does someone feel in the persistent presence of an altered version of a familiar mundane reality? Can you endear to relate a vague figure and scenario depending on its presence or its name chosen file format. At First glance light Narratives of the low poly figurative create a façade conveying an externalisation of internal conflicts or states of division.