Jessica Lee
BA (Hons) Graphic Design

I am an illustrator and graphic designer based in Manchester. My interest in drawing has led to more playful approaches in my work. In my final year, I have really enjoyed experimenting with animation as it's great seeing my illustrations being brought to life. I have selected 4 different projects to show as an overview of my work. I focus on problem solving and brand strategy.
Tailored is a men's clothing rental subscription service which is a sustainable brand. I have created illustration and an animation for this along with a typeface. The type is created from a custome circular grid system which links back to the theme of 'circular' fashion.
We are Girls is an online platform to empower women, uplift, hear and celebrate women and also rasie awareness by sharing ongoing news and personal stories/experiences. It's targeted towards females to create a safe space/community.
Little Laughs is an agendered children's toy brand. It focuses on the idea around stage based play rather than gender stereotyped toys. I have created a set of brand icons which is heavily used in the brand identity.
The final project is an animation about feminism; specifically the gender pay gap. It's aimed at males in college/uni just before they go in to the workplace. I chose males as the target audience as I found in my research that majority of feminism videos were aimed at women but I feel like it's men who need to be educated about this topic.