Abdimalig Ibrahim
BA (Hons) Photography

Abdimalig Ibrahim, a Manchester-based artist, explores the themes of representation and identity through a personal and intimate account of his lived experience. Through portraiture and documentary as his mediums, he presents with authenticity, reverence, and a profound sense of compassion the narratives of marginalised communities around him and himself.
In this current body of work, I aim to challenge the conventional portrayal of an intimate aspect of identity, which is often characterised by overt and conspicuous depictions. Rather than relying on these explicit elements, the photographs offer a glimpse into a more quiet and intimate narrative experienced by the sitters. I sought to craft a more understated and layered representation, acknowledging the constraints that prevent individuals from openly embracing and expressing themselves. Each image serves as a testament to the profound connection and dialogue shared between subject and artist, with the sitter becoming an extension of my own being. Through the unspoken moments captured and the understanding formed between the individuals, this collection alludes to something that can’t be said and is private and quiet.