Eden May
BA (Hons) Photography

I am an art student from Brighton and I'm based in Manchester. I look to focus on capturing relationships between people and how they connect to their surroundings. My images consist mainly of my family and people that are close to me because I find it interesting to document the relationship they all share as both a whole as well as individuals. This adds a personal element to my work as it further explores my surroundings and gives an insight into how and where I grew up.
This also acts as my own memories in a world that is incessantly changing as well as finidng beauty in the mundane. I focus on looking into the human condition and essentailly just people being people. I mostly work with analogue cameras and 35mm film and work to create images without them being planned. I explore the genre of snapshot photography mixed with documentary style and like to capture the beauty in the everyday. This is a reason I love film. You only get a set few chances to capture a certain moment between people or themselves that you won't ever see again.