Emily Jenkins
BA (Hons) Fine Art and Art History
Frustration and the pointlessness of art are common themes within Emily Jenkins’ artistic practice. Her work is a seemingly pointless engagement with the making of ‘bad’ art. However, this is the point: an exploration of how ‘bad’ can become ‘good’ or how the pointless can reflect the contemporary.
The instinctive and playful nature of child art is an important aspect of Jenkins’s art. As is humour, also at play within her work. Why do you need a painting of a door when there are so many in your home?
This humour is evident in the degree show piece, A Toilet. The self-obsessed homage to Jenkins’s time at Manchester Metropolitan University. It features a variety of mixed media work from acrylic paint on canvas to pencil drawings on sandwich bags.
Jenkins’s dissertation explored the statement; Contemporary art is pointless.