Felix Collier
BA (Hons) Fine Art

Equilibrium (2023)
Fe’s work explores the self-fulfilment of gender freedom while opening discussion to societal biases that surround the human body. Her multimedia practice ranges from crochet, printmaking, collage, and performance. Applying connotations of play, colour, and fluidity into her work we see a narrative to the binary and what lies beyond. Through the acknowledgement of perception and contextual research of ‘performing before the camera’ and the long history of discrimination against queer and feminist communities we are instilled with the characterisation of different genders, lifestyles, stereotypical behaviour and how they interact and ultimately impact each other. Fe combines the handcrafting technique of crochet with the eradication of identity that balaclavas contain. Considered highly Fe uses the combination of performance and childhood games to speak more openly of topics that affect us on the daily without delving into a harsher confrontation. This perception brings the viewer forward into her work, so they too can reflect on this first-hand with an educational perspective. Visually we are confronted by the very walls that have been built to keep ourselves contained within a heteronormative system. Within this exhibition we are confronted with colourful imagery of a homely room with undertones of more prominent societal issues that lay just beneath the surface. Think twice before looking at the vibrant colours and instead consider the connotations each one has towards society and stereotypes. In a current society where our bodies are a warzone how can we reclaim and return to paradise?