Grace O'Kelly
BA (Hons) Filmmaking

Mind Your Ps and Qs
Through my practices, I have endevoured to translate my interest in theoretical studies and worldy topics into my work. My final film, titled 'Mind Your Ps and Qs', explored gender, language and the perception of a person based on their lexical features. Using lip-syncing as a form of humour ecourages an audience to reflect on prejudices' they may hold due to what is deemed as 'appropriate' language for a person depending on their gender.
This year I have developed an interest in gallery installation and using my projects as a way of experimenting/studying the theories I base my work off of. Throughout my works, it is shown that I draw inspiration from real life experiences and sociocultural events. I worked as a producer on the documentary 'Fighting for myself', which focuses on masulinity through the visual medium of Jiu Jitsu, the film creates discourse around mental health and specifically a probe to encourage men to talk.
I look forward to developing my writing to become multifaceted and continue finding ways to created a layered narrative that can reach new audiences and invite people to find interest in topics that they may consider irrelevant to themselves.