Kai Davis
BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Pizza On The Subway
Hey, I’m Kai, a modernist who’d describe himself as a visual communication and identity designer with a love for all things typography – A ‘type-nerd’ if you will! I like to imply conceptual ideation into my design process, designing for a range of media and touch-points; With a majority of my design work being typographically led. As an emerging junior, I see myself working in a studio where projects are driven by research and ideation is conceptual.
One of my recent projects is Pizza On The Subway; A psychogeographic publication in response to the istd brief ‘The Spaces Between’. It highlights the spaces between subway stations above the New York Subway and the city’s significant pizza culture. The map features the pizzeria closest to every subway station across the Metropolitan Transport System of New York City. (Information found on Apple Maps in April 2023).
The map’s based on the late Massimo Vignelli’s modernist map design for the New York Subway in 1972. The project pays tribute to Vignelli and his team at Unimark.