Kylie Mcnulty
BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice

Decay Of The Digital Realm
Driven through the use of colour, texture, material, and tactility within my work. My design practices centres on experimenting with different process to experiment and develop these areas of interests. Focusing on looking into the process of decay in the world around us to bring a preceptive of digital decay and how to translate those elements onto physical materials.
‘Decay Of The Digital Realm’ explores the potential of surface design through digital designs undergoing multiple different process to achieve a deteriorated look. These manipulated designs are then transferred onto physical materials using a range of different techniques.
Looking at the ageing process of objects in the physical world, as a source of inspiration. The purpose within this project is to observe the deterioration of metals in a natural environment, with a focus on understanding the corrosion process and how it affects the surface over time through human use. As well as considering the potential parallels between the corrosion of physical materials and the potential degradation of digital components.
Designs undergo several digital processes to achieve a weathered or deteriorated appearance, these are transferred onto physical materials to capture the speculations on what digital decay can appear as.