Sam Merrick
BA (Hons) Product Design

Permutation is a decorative table lamp that you can design yourself. At its core the project is about connecting people with the objects they buy, with the aim to engage in a meaningful buying experience that will promote sustainable consumption practises like repair and re-use, delaying disposal.
Permutation is made to order using SLA resin 3D print technology. I wanted to promote 3D printing as more than just a prototyping tool. The design and manufacturing technology has come so far now that 3D printing can produce beautiful, valuable and often sustainable objects.
The lamp aims to be a case study for mass customization, which is beginning to provide a new platform for changing the way we consume objects. Permutation allows users to customize through a playful interface before selecting the form that suits them. This co-design methodology means consumers can engage with their lamp and begin to love it before it's arrived. Producers don't have to predict sales, buy materials, pay for expensive shipping or keep stock in warehouses. Everyone wins.
My practice is based around computational design, interaction and experimentation. I want to promote Manchester's design scene and engage in a whole range of algorithmic and creative coding practices such as reactive audiovisuals, interactive lighting and mass customization.