Sarah Nunes
BA (Hons) Product Design and Craft

Spiceware collection

Sarah Nunes is a ceramicist, material explorer and surface developer, her journey explores throwing handmade objects, it’s a process she has accomplished through her series of making, the feel of the raw, soft clay allows her the freedom to mould into endless possibilities. Following the rhythm of the spinning wheel while shaping the lump of clay into tangible things is an exciting journey she seeks to develop further.

In addition, her specialism lies within decorating the surface with intriguing glazes, through testing multiples recipes she has opted to use them onto her pieces usually multiple layers overlapped to created surfaces that resemblance, food and its making process. This has a strong connection to her heritage, upbringing and lifestyle having lived in two different countries.  

The objects she creates are a celebratory representing of Indian cuisine, highlighting the making or cooking. India’s most common dish is ‘Thali’ which ia a platter served with variety of curries along naan and rice. The beauty of this platter is that its pact with flavour, being introduced to not just a single dish but samples of many. What truly ‘thali’ offers is a taste of the exotic spices used within the cuisine which is what Indian cuisine is known for, spiced and flavourful making every dish exquisite. which became an integral part of her project.  

Through her journey so far in ceramics has been a captivating experince and she wishes to continue exploring this path, with having understood the materials and have sufficient knowledge to now experiment with different firing temperatures, to be able achieve surfaces that are inpired by food chemical reaction through the use of gloppy glazes and finding a balance with it be aesthetically pleasing yet food safe to be able to be functional.