Simon Foster
BA (Hons) Product Design and Craft

My name is Simon Foster and I’m a product designer with a focus on woodworking. Over the last year I have been exploring the process of steam bending wood and creating geometrical designs with a focus on shadow forms. Throughout my course the inspiration behind my work has been shapes and forms within nature, often looking at geometrical patterns, and including the shadow forms created by my work as part of the form itself. My creative process is more focused on making physical tests and maquettes rather than drawings or plans, and I have before used the term ‘creative play’ when carrying out early exploration of materials and forms. This helps me to carry my work forward and choose forms that work for me. Although I enjoy working this way it can sometimes be challenging as without drawings or 2D modelling it can be easy to get stuck on a form and not allow for as much creative variation to come from my designs. I would very much like to continue to develop my skills within the process of steam bend wood and after university continue to create wooden lighting and possibly move into furniture with the goal of being self-employed where I can design, make, and sell my own ideas and products. I will also take part and submit my work into craft fairs and competitions around the UK to get my work out there and get further experience of the industry.

Feel free to view my work by visiting my website and social media accounts, and if you would like to discuss further please do not hesitate to get in touch.