Sophie Dickinson
BA (Hons) Fine Art

Since the start of humanity, we have not only created, but collected and delegated significance to things, and now we could not live a life without them. Humanity understands that the present is transient and that there is an undetermined future, captivating us in a state of longing and uncertainty. Objects play a definite role in reconciling these states of being. They refuse to come to terms with loss through their existence, and they do not mourn as we do.
Investigating the historic, ritualistic, and personal use of objects, I explore humanity’s complex relationship to materiality. My work examines how objects are used to compensate for and mediate the wretchedness of the human condition, providing a sense of control, understanding, and permanence in our ephemeral existence. By combining semi-recognisable found and created objects, I work to materialise the liminal. Sculptural assemblages act as spatial poetry, infused with personal and universal symbolism created from object reductions. These exist as esoteric manifestations of in-betweenness, interwoven with personal narratives of pain and perseverance.