Thomas Steeles
BA (Hons) Graphic Design

The 50 Route
Hiya, I’m Thomas,
I am a young designer/ creative hailing from Salford. I typically enjoy exploring the conceptual, overlooked and misrepresented through my love for typographical and editorial design. My creative muscle can also flex into art direction, animation and branding, to name a few – but I’m always keen to learn more. I’m hoping to make a splash into the creative world with my dissertation, turned passion project ‘Comic Sans: is it really that bad?’ being sold in local bookshops. I’m currently looking for opportunities to embark on creatively ambitious projects with like-minded people, in studios or with individuals – so if you like what I do, I’m always up for a chat.
'The 50 Route' is a response to the ISTD-set brief 'The Spaces Between', where I chose to explore the bus I take to university, and the stops I occupy as a liminal space.
I've taken the Stagecoach 50 for the past two years and in that time I've become bored - usually trying to pass time by going on my phone or listening to music. Hence, I find myself in a daydream-like state when riding it everyday. This project is an attempt to become a conscious passenger again by mapping the route using psychogeography methods.
Swiss-bound book, with a genuine Stagecoach bus seat fabric hardback cover.