Ellie Blundell - BA (Hons) Fine Art
Chasing Rainbows Cooperative
When I was younger, my dad and I made a dolls house. The bulky structure was technically precise, with rigid and straight lines of pale colourless wood grounded in reality, conforming to the utilitarian rules of what a house should be. Following this strict plan was his dream, not mine, so I must craft my own.
A permanent escape attempt. A queer utopia.
The rigid box that confines us has burst it’s bank! It is rapidly warping from the heteronormative current into weird and wonderful tributaries that bend to form bulbous queer identities, which can merge into a stronger counter force to be reckoned with.
Welcome to Chasing Rainbows Cooperative!
Imagine a contemporary art space for the queer community that offers more than a transient glimpse at a better world beyond institutional tokenism; a vibrant living entity glistening with utopian spirit. A space collectively owned and sustained by us, with a community of bustling artists resisting capitalism to do what they love. Oh to be swallowed by the comfort of colour and to swim in the fluidity of queer abstraction, where everything isn’t reduced to definitive binary answers, leaving room to relish in the excitement of the unknown. Biomorphic shapes effervescing the pulsating energy from dancing in my childhood bedroom evolving into queer nightlife, honouring the freedom of spaces that allow our bodies to morph into something whole.
Now I’ve planted that seed, watch this (queer) space.