Lucy Wharton

Lucy Wharton - BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Technology (Menswear)

Flicking through the photo album

the Concept for my final major project is based around the idea of 'flicking through the photo album, my ideas centre around my family life and how I perceived things growing up. I include Print as a main element within my collection, my strong point, layering up garments and textures to produce busy yet refined designs. I aim for my collection to be personal l but also reflective of other people’s experiences taking reference points from groups such as football collectives, friendships and teams. My main point of reference comes from family photos and newspaper clippings my grandad saved from where he worked, publishing our family’s achievements, here I take ideas of colour, texture and imagery incorporating that into my work as a subtle nod to those around me. I have a mixed style within my work taking some of my favourite aspects of previous projects such as creating a technical jacket and adding this into my collection as i enjoy creating new fabrics through bonding and things such as waterproof zips and pockets.