Sulaimaan Mullah
BA (Hons) Graphic Design

As a graphic designer, I have tried and experimented with different areas of design throughout my time at university. I have found my passion and love for editorial format style work and will actively try to bring this element into projects where possible.
Below we have 3 different projects, all using editorial style format and typography to express my interests. One project that I thoroughly enjoyed was Unit X; a brief in which we had to design an archive/publication that would guide my viewer through 'a' history. Given my admiration of football, I wanted to explore the rich history it is filled with and how some famous landmarks that were once foundations of the great game, have now been deconstructed. I wanted to bring back some of the lost history and celebrate these milestones. Through the use of imagery, layout and attention to detail, I produced this beautiful archive to celebrate what once was and will continue to be a reminder of the monumental sport we experience now.
I started my graphics degree with no direction at eighteen, I just knew I wanted to, one day, produce a piece that would have a wide reach; something attached to my name. Three years later, I have produced several pieces that I am incredibly proud of. I am now 'designing' to a level in which I believe the creative industry would value. My direction now revolves around working within an established design agency that would actively hone my skills and make me a better designer in the years to come.