Rosie Benge BA (Hons) Fine Art

Toys and tabletops,
Models of imagined spaces.
Shrinking the overwhelm of the city into your hand,
Shrinking time and space into one view.
Un-monumentalising by engulfing the world,
not being engulfed by it.
Sitting precariously and mirroring the discordance and precarity of the structures that govern our movement.
Perhaps we connect to them more
as we admit imperfection in ourselves.
You could crush it with your foot,
Throw it across the room,
Smash it on the floor.
Fractures of efficiency,
Revealing its ineffectiveness.
Perhaps it’s not meant for us,
Perhaps there’s a better way.
To find freedom within restriction,
To move with the rhythm of our minds.
Moments of deviance,
As we play through the grid.
The work shown here was created in spite of Manchester School of Art’s repeated failure to listen to the students’ voice. While multiple arts universities across the UK go ahead with physical degree shows - as well as Manchester School of Art putting on external exhibitions in its own Holden Gallery despite reasoning it was unsafe for students’ work to be shown there - the students have been offered this digital platform that we had no involvement in creating, with any attempt at communicating our needs being disregarded until the very last minute. MSoA have failed to provide an adequate degree show for its students, and thus, the students have collectivised to organise a series of collaborative shows across Manchester, to be announced soon. Please check back for updates on our pages.