Alex Gardner BA (Hons) Fine Art

The precise and mathematical nature of my work reflects the organisation and composition techniques that I used in areas of graphic design and product design prior to studying art. I find discovering and learning new technologies and processes for digital art production very fulfilling. It seems there’s always something new to work with, whether it’s program capabilities, image variations, or interactions between forms. The potential can feel unlimited and it’s this aspect that I love. I feel that there’s a whole world that I have the opportunity to explore, interpret, and display to others in order to excite them. Recently, I’ve experimented with removing digitally produced images from their original environment, deconstructing them, and displaying them in the physical world. I’m curious to see how these transformations change the viewer’s relationship with my work, and how it affects their interpretation. I enjoy creating images and animations that encourage people to take a more objective view of art. Through the use of illusions, repetition and patterns, I aim to confuse and challenge the visual system. The decisions that the viewer is forced to make create a hurdle to curb subjectivity and drive viewers to spend longer staring, considering, and reconsidering.