Becky Hansell BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice

My practice is primarily digitally focused and strongly concept led. I continually produce work responding to current issues within society and strive to tackle them by producing innovative, playful, tactile experiences for my audience.
Within the final year of my degree I focused on the current coronavirus pandemic. Using my design skills to recreate virtual experiences of ‘normal life’ that have been taken away from us due to lockdown restrictions. ‘Bring the Outside Inside’ focuses on the restriction of households meeting outdoors during lockdown. In response to this concept I have designed a postal sensory ‘outdoor’ activity box. Virtually recreating an outdoor experience, inside through playful tactile design stimulating the senses touch, sight, hearing and smell. A major element of this project was for the sensory box to be used over a virtual zoom event where there were no restrictions on how many households could join and ‘explore the outdoors together again’. Combatting the lack of physical connection and isolation caused by the pandemic and creating a positive impact for my audience during difficult times. Alongside the sensory box I designed packaging for indoor plant seeds to be sold on my website emphasising my concept of ‘bringing the outside inside’ and providing my audience with extended outdoor themed activities.
For more information on this project and to look at more of my work please visit,