Eden Atherton-Kelly BA (Hons) Photography

Eden Kelly produces work that is largely inspired by her environment and feelings towards these landscapes. It is the visual aspect of her emotions. In her practice she investigates and promotes sustainable ways for creatives.
At the start of this project Eden took images around her hometown and created a ‘diary’, like many others in the time of the pandemic Eden has felt trapped in her own environment, not being able to branch out and further her creative practice. She took advantage of this restriction by using her environment and collecting specimens from her walks (plants, moss, soil etc.) and carried on with her research into environments and sustainability. This experimentation and emotive approach has led to this body of work. Garden of the restricted is the outcome of a research led investigation, identifying scientific and visual evidence whilst using all recycled materials.
There are two parts to her exhibition piece, the first being a sculptures that is a visual representation of feeling trapped. Much like a landscape photograph being trapped on paper, she has restricted a ‘landscape’ in glass to create a self-sustaining, living installation. Eden also wanted to share with viewers the immersive, restricted environment they can observe and so, the second part to this piece is a life size terrarium that viewers can stand in, juxtaposing the outside looking in to inside looking out feelings that have derived from being in a pandemic.