Kitty Handley BA (Hons) Filmmaking

I am a filmmaker with a keen interest in capuring the everyday. I specifically tend to work as a Director/Writer and Editor and find I enjoy exploring the uneventful moments of life in my work, finding instead extraordinariness in the unsaid and in the people themselves. I have always had a love for art, growing up with oil pastels and acyrilic paint in hand, I learnt quickly that mess is okay and that the unplanned moments and mistakes are what makes for brilliant art. Applying this to my filmmaking I aim to create work that captures unplanned moments and blurs the genres of narrative and documentary, focusing on the themes of time and memory. I enjoy setting up scenarios for people to thrive under, allowing me the opportunity to observe and capture the details of who and what people are, in a poetic tone.
Over the years I have been able to expeiment with my creative practice and this has resulted in understanding that although I primarily want to create work that focuses around the themes of stillness and the everyday, I also enjoy utilising my other artistic skills in the form of prop making, set design and composing. Exploring a range of methodology is something I thoroughly enjoy and is something I am excited to explore futher, particulalry combining my love for creating music and creating moving image work.
As a female in the industry I am finding it increasingly important to tell stories from a female perspective, that dont rely on narratives in which a female is suffering at the hands of a male. Instead my final degree film explores the tenderness of female friendship, captured in a vérité style, highlighting the authenticity of the two's friendship and showing the beauty of simplicity.