Phoebe Price BA (Hons) Fine Art and Art History

My work is intuitive.
I perform experiments and playful acts, allowing my instincts to guide my exploration.
I push and prod and see where the interaction takes me.
Through paying attention, listening, adopting – taking – stealing remnants left behind by others.
I take that which is discarded, often drawing focus to the mundane.
My interaction with my subjects is gentle and personal:
I hold onto things for perhaps a little longer than most.
I attempt to visualise my emotional and sensory experiences.
I explore feelings I find difficult to put words around and draw out.
Instead, I collect moments and snippets of experience, and cobble these together into my work.
I bring together these scattered elements to make a whole.
I create a reflection of this world:
A dream-world formed of fragments of notes, imaginings, and images I have collected.
A private person, my work is not always obvious.
My images tend to be dislocated and indistinct.
I keep secrets.