Ellie Campbell BA (Hons) Illustration with Animation

My practice heavily focuses on shedding light on taboo societal topics primarily surrounding women but inclusive to all genders and non-conforming. My work has developed out of an ongoing research interest into topics such as the Menopause, repositioning it as something that affects all ages and genders as well as illustrating a narrative from Eve Ensler’s play and book ‘The Vagina Monologues’. I illustrate digitally, creating bright full colour zine spreads communicating in a light-hearted humorous way, to make more difficult topics easier to discuss and understand. Being able to work with a whole range of people from young adults to 80-year-old Nans, discussing taboo subjects such as the Menopause and embarrassing vagina stories is incredibly fascinating, rewarding and very exciting to illustrate. It allows me to base my narratives and research around peoples own experiences and anecdotes. Allowing me to keep my projects authentic and engage with taboo topics on a high and realistic level but illustrate capturing humour and satire.