Lizzie Atthews BA (Hons) Textiles in Practice

I am an artist and textile designer specialising in surface pattern design. My design practice is driven by my interest in nature and botanical illustration and is inspired by both contemporary and traditional painting techniques. I relish the challenge of painting the intricate details of botanical forms and aim to portray them as living rather than inanimate objects, focussing on the use of colour that evokes the quality of light, and translating them into designs that reflects their complexity and also conveys a sense of mood, atmosphere and place.
My Biophilia collection focusses on the concept of Biophilic Design, and how aspects of this can be interpreted to create designs that evoke the same physiological and psychological responses that we experience within a nature setting, contributing to our health and wellbeing.
My designs are digital due to the complex nature of the motifs and the process of combining these with painterly or textural surfaces, which I create through embroidery, paint techniques and digital editing. I like to explore different fabrics for my prints, selecting surface qualities that reflect the mood and context, and when combined within a collection transform an interior space into a luxury visually and sensory stimulating environment.