Penny Collier BA (Hons) Illustration with Animation

As an illustration and animation practitioner my work focuses on bringing static illustrations into a tangible form. By combining my model making, illustration and digital animation skills I have created a body of work which aims to generate engagement for social subjects that are often unnoticed. The Manchester Guardian, which celebrated its bi-centennial in May 2021, was the standard-bearer for ordinary people and their extraordinary stories. My publication The Halfpenny Press visually responded to these articles to acknowledge the lives of Mancunians 200 years ago and the lasting legacy of the Peterloo Massacre.
The quick-paced, continually evolving nature of the creative industry has propelled me to explore the new and interesting ways to produce work, often approaching materials in new ways. Colour and form play a big role within my practise. I am continually influenced by the work produced at The Bauhaus School of Art. The pictured project, Postal Connections, was created using a combination of laser cutting and UV printing to produce a series of characters that aim to engage young children in using post as a slower form of communication which emphasises fore-thought and anticipation. The interchangeable nature of the characters allows children to control the narrative and create individuals which represent both the postal service and the community around them.
My practice will continue to evolve and adapt with new technologies but will ultimately be defined by the community and individuals which surround me. My range of interest in animation, illustration and model making allows my practice to pivot, responding to briefs in a variety of unexpected ways, linked through colour and an aim to celebrate the mundane, overlooked everyday.